Sunday 20 April 2014

Coral canyons !!!


Well , hello . Today i will be talking about Coral Canyons !!! 
Did you know that there is a bridge ?
Well there is ! 
First locate Coral canyons on the map. 

When you are inside of Coral canyons go to the very top .
Sprint to the top until your paws fall off ! 
When you are at the very top you will see
a very cool scenery behind you ! There is a very cool
blue sky and a bird will be passing by ! 
Watch closely as you may also see a wolf in the background !! 
There are amazing tall trees!!
While you are standing on the amazing rock of the bridge 
you may wonder if it can break ..

Can the coral canyons bridge break ? 

Well , people have been making romours that this 
bridge can break . For a long time people have been trying to hop 
on the bridge and they were trying to 
break it . so far i haven't seen it break !! 
If you have broke it please comment me and tell me !! 
This will  possibly break if you try and you don't stop beliving
but many people lost interest in this and
have stopped hopping on the bridge cause they think 
that it won't break , but it will !! 

Keep on jumping until it cracks all  the way . 
many people of jamaa have been saying that 
you need 25 - 30 wolves to break the bridge.
I don't know if it true , so don't get your hopes up ! 

Well thankyou for reading , i will be putting more posts up everyday :) 

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