Saturday 19 April 2014

Monkeys !!

Monkeys !!! 

678fluffy678 and Edward587

Today , i will be talking about Monkeys !! 
These Monkeys are so cute and are 
the most awesome animals in my opinion !

Do Monkeys unlock secret passages ? 

No , Monkeys don't unlock any secret passages or they don't do anything 
That special in adventures ( except from being cute !! ) 
Hopefully AJHQ  makes a new secret passage just
for monkeys !! 
This will help Many monkey lovers !! 
If you are a monkey don't sell it , love it as much 
as you can so you can unlock many things inside the future of
Animal jam .

Do Monkeys Do any actions and how do they do it ?

Monkeys do all of the actions on jamaa . They play . dance , hop , sleep 
and sit :) They do it in a really cute way :) 
They do them all in their own special way :) 
Want to Know how they do it ?

Monkey dancing : 

Monkey sleeping  :

Monkey sitting : 

Monkey playing : 

Monkey hopping : 

What does clothing look like on monkeys ?

Well , on my monkey only some tutu 's look good also
with a blue fox hat . 
But i think that skirts and dresses look good 
with a hat on or a flower :) 
Also all the coulers on AJ lok awesome on 
monkeys so you can just 
put one couler on and it will look pretty ! 

Thankyou for reading !!! 

play it for urself :

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